A cost effective solution for a protecting passive termination of a premise fibers. Datolink fiber socket is injection molded with an integral fiber retention system allowing for quick installation plastic and a positive lock strain relief for most premise fiber cable. A compact wall-outlet providing an optical demarcation point for fiber-to-the-home applications. Mounted on the inside of a building, the optical CPE box provides physical protection for the transition between provider and customer.
Features: Standard 86 type panel which specifically suits family use in FTTH and FTTD. The adapter towards down which avoid the laser beams into the eyes directly The clasp design for the cover greatly makes the installation easier. It matches up with other A86 electronic devices. Macro-diametered wrapping post in the box protects radically in a maximum way. Connection Method: Fusion splicing/field fast connection/L-type FA connector socket.
Application: FTTH, FTTO, FTTD